Wednesday, May 9, 2012

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Relationship Advice - The Common Sense Guide To Relationships

Click here to download your copy of The Common Sense Guide To Relationships

Relationship Advice - Who Should You Listen To?

With the wonder of the Internet, relationship advice is available almost everywhere.

You can gain advice from relationship forums, relationship blogs, and relationship books or eBooks from stores such as Amazon or using Kindle - but with so much advice available, it can start to become rather confusing.

Add to the mix relationship advice provided by your friends and family, it's no wonder people can get in so much turmoil over their relationship and trying to resolve their problems.

So when it comes to relationship advice - who should you listen to?

Well, believe it or not, that is a very easy question to answer. The answer is that you should only ever listen to yourself.

Now don't misunderstand me, you can still get the information that you need from your forum, blog, book or friends and family - but when it comes to deciding how to act on that advice, you need to turn your attention inwards and 'listen' to your innermost thoughts and feelings.

To better understand this, you first need to think about why you need relationship advice in the first place. If you are really happy in your relationship, you would not think twice about asking for help or advice. So what prompted you to seek advice? That's right - your inner thoughts or inner voice.

Even if you were not consciously aware, that there is something wrong that you are not happy with, your inner voice, will whisper away until you become instinctively and consciously aware that something is not right or that you are unhappy about something.

So in the same manner, when you are seeking advice for your relationship, you need to tune in to your inner thoughts and inner voice, so that you can act on the correct advice.

Once you have realised that something is not right with your relationship, take time out on your own to see if you can be more specific and find the area within your relationship that you are not happy with. It may be one issue alone, or it may be multiple issues - but to truly help your relationship, you need to establish the areas that need
improving first.

Sit down somewhere quiet with a notepad and pen - it could be somewhere at home, or you may prefer to go to a different location entirely, such as a park or coffee shop.

Before you start writing anything down, take a short while to really think about what is making you unhappy in your relationship. If there are multiple issues, initially only concentrate on what is making you most unhappy. By writing a long shopping list of problems, will only overwhelm you and may put you off trying to work through the
problems. By working on problems, one at a time, will allow you to tackle the problem and try to resolve thoroughly, rather than trying to work through several and simply make do by papering over the cracks.

Once you have written down what is making you unhappy, you can then start to do your research on how to try and resolve the issue. When you know what is making you unhappy, it is far easier to try and resolve that problem, rather than using a scattergun approach for general relationship advice to try and resolve your problem.

Search for advice on your specific area of unhappiness and see what answers you can find. Then you have to tune into your inner thoughts and listen to your inner voice again. If the advice you have found catches your attention, and you find yourself nodding in agreement to what is being said, it means that the advice is on the same wavelength as
your inner thoughts/inner voice. If you can also feel that the writer or person offering the advice knows exactly what your problem is, if that information is resonating - you need to act on the advice that is given.

If, however, you feel that the information is not going to help or you do not agree with the advice on offer - you know that you are not on the right track and you should disregard that advice. Even if the advice is being offered by a family member or friend, if that advice does not feel right, do not act on it. At best, it could cause your relationship to deteriorate further - at worse, you could resent your friend or family for giving you bad advice and blame them for ruining your relationship.

If you learn to trust and listen to your inner voice and feelings, you will quickly be able to apply the best advice to your relationship, and hopefully be much happier.

Good luck!

The Common Sense Guide To Relationships
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